In this varied collection of short stories, Bret Harte's unparalleled talent for crafting indelible characters shines through. In "The Judgment of Bolinas Plain," an unhappy wife escapes from her dull life by absconding with a circus acrobat, setting off a tragic chain of events. In a tale evoking the naturalism of French writer Emile Zola, "The Ancestors of Peter Atherly," the Atherly family's influence on the mining town it founded is explored.
In this varied collection of short stories, Bret Harte's unparalleled talent for crafting indelible characters shines through. In "The Judgment of Bolinas Plain," an unhappy wife escapes from her dull life by absconding with a circus acrobat, setting off a tragic chain of events. In a tale evoking the naturalism of French writer Emile Zola, "The Ancestors of Peter Atherly," the Atherly family's influence on the mining town it founded is explored.