A unique action adventure in a mind-bending trek through 2700 years of historical mayhem - a battle of good and evil in a separate dimension laid on top of time itself. Experience the struggles of ancient life, come face-to-face with the real characters of history, and feel the heart-pounding challenges of hand-to-hand combat, medieval justice, and modern tragedy as the people of the times felt it themselves. Find the truth about time and the plan it follows, and a hidden culture of heroics and villainy that fight within it while we live our lives never knowing a special few may be right in our midst at any moment. This is the first volume in a trilogy that will trace to the foundations of the Christian faith.
A unique action adventure in a mind-bending trek through 2700 years of historical mayhem - a battle of good and evil in a separate dimension laid on top of time itself. Experience the struggles of ancient life, come face-to-face with the real characters of history, and feel the heart-pounding challenges of hand-to-hand combat, medieval justice, and modern tragedy as the people of the times felt it themselves. Find the truth about time and the plan it follows, and a hidden culture of heroics and villainy that fight within it while we live our lives never knowing a special few may be right in our midst at any moment. This is the first volume in a trilogy that will trace to the foundations of the Christian faith.