The Adventures of a Greenman Series: (Parts 8-9) Raw Travel Eastern Europe
Nonfiction, Travel
‘The Adventures of a Greenman' is a 15 part, true short story series, about the real life experiences of a modern day nomad called Adam, who wanders his way around the earth for a decade. The parts collectively form the epic: 'I Travel Light: The Man Who Walked Out of the World'. In Parts 8 and 9, the nomad has left his remote Welsh home, without even a bag or set destination, never to return. He arrives in Poland and meets a beautiful English woman who is recruiting volunteers to help at an orphanage in Latvia. The earth pilgrim goes, with only a stick in his hand. He works wonders with the antique furniture he finds stored away in a barn there, restoring it, in between teaching English and building igloos with the children. Eventually, Adam makes his way to the Ukraine, then across the Black Sea and onto Turkey. Through Eastern Europe, settling in Hungary for 8 months, whereupon he volunteers with W.W.O.O.F, (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms), until returning to the UK for his next epic adventure.
‘The Adventures of a Greenman' is a 15 part, true short story series, about the real life experiences of a modern day nomad called Adam, who wanders his way around the earth for a decade. The parts collectively form the epic: 'I Travel Light: The Man Who Walked Out of the World'. In Parts 8 and 9, the nomad has left his remote Welsh home, without even a bag or set destination, never to return. He arrives in Poland and meets a beautiful English woman who is recruiting volunteers to help at an orphanage in Latvia. The earth pilgrim goes, with only a stick in his hand. He works wonders with the antique furniture he finds stored away in a barn there, restoring it, in between teaching English and building igloos with the children. Eventually, Adam makes his way to the Ukraine, then across the Black Sea and onto Turkey. Through Eastern Europe, settling in Hungary for 8 months, whereupon he volunteers with W.W.O.O.F, (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms), until returning to the UK for his next epic adventure.