Talmud Bavli (the "Babylonian Talmud") comprises the Mishnah and the Babylonian Gemara, the latter representing the culmination of more than 300 years of analysis of the Mishnah in the Babylonian Academies. The foundations of this process of analysis were laid by Rab, a disciple of Rabbi Judah ha-Nasi. Excerpted from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Table of ContentsExplanatory Remarks Dedication Preface to the Second Edition Editor's Preface Brief General Introduction to the Babylonian Talmud. Book 1: Tract SabbathBook 2: Tracts Erubin, Shekalim, Rosh HashanaBook 3: Tracts Pesachim, Yomah and HagigaBook 4: Tracts Betzh, Succah, Moed Katan, Taanith, Megilla and Ebel Rabbathi or SemahothBook 5: Tracts Aboth, Derech Eretz-Rabba, Derech Eretz-Zuta, and Baba Kama (First Gate)Book 6: Tract Baba Kama (First Gate), Part II and Tract Baba Metzia (Middle Gate)Book 7: Tract Baba Bathra (Last Gate)Book 8: Tract Sanhedrin: Section Jurisprudence (Damages)Book 9: Tracts Maccoth, Shebuoth, Eduyoth, Abuda Zara, and HoriothBook 10: History of the Talmud
Talmud Bavli (the "Babylonian Talmud") comprises the Mishnah and the Babylonian Gemara, the latter representing the culmination of more than 300 years of analysis of the Mishnah in the Babylonian Academies. The foundations of this process of analysis were laid by Rab, a disciple of Rabbi Judah ha-Nasi. Excerpted from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Table of ContentsExplanatory Remarks Dedication Preface to the Second Edition Editor's Preface Brief General Introduction to the Babylonian Talmud. Book 1: Tract SabbathBook 2: Tracts Erubin, Shekalim, Rosh HashanaBook 3: Tracts Pesachim, Yomah and HagigaBook 4: Tracts Betzh, Succah, Moed Katan, Taanith, Megilla and Ebel Rabbathi or SemahothBook 5: Tracts Aboth, Derech Eretz-Rabba, Derech Eretz-Zuta, and Baba Kama (First Gate)Book 6: Tract Baba Kama (First Gate), Part II and Tract Baba Metzia (Middle Gate)Book 7: Tract Baba Bathra (Last Gate)Book 8: Tract Sanhedrin: Section Jurisprudence (Damages)Book 9: Tracts Maccoth, Shebuoth, Eduyoth, Abuda Zara, and HoriothBook 10: History of the Talmud