The Chaplin Cane explores the life and times of Calman Mencher, a mild mannered accountant who starts off his practice in an office located next to a “smelly deli” then rises up to become a successful businessman with his hands in several pots. Cal never mixes business with pleasure until he falls for beautiful Carole, an Oral Surgeon and a client. Fate intervenes and deflates the balloon of temptation, when he discovers a devastating truth. Even though Cal marries the lovely Ruth, he remains a mentor to Carole. Ultimately fate lends another hand, and Cal discovers his true self.
The Chaplin Cane explores the life and times of Calman Mencher, a mild mannered accountant who starts off his practice in an office located next to a “smelly deli” then rises up to become a successful businessman with his hands in several pots. Cal never mixes business with pleasure until he falls for beautiful Carole, an Oral Surgeon and a client. Fate intervenes and deflates the balloon of temptation, when he discovers a devastating truth. Even though Cal marries the lovely Ruth, he remains a mentor to Carole. Ultimately fate lends another hand, and Cal discovers his true self.