After years of struggling against the deadly and histrionic machinations of the criminally insane, the Cockroach, a man with a leather mask chin-strapped to his head, finally confronts destiny in the form of a seemingly ordinary youth who focuses all the rage of his failed life onto society while finding himself graced with incredible powers.
Though this novel capitalizes on the architecture of the superhero genre, it is not an homage to comic-book geekery, nor is it a “with-a-wink” condescension crafted for the knowing literati.
Instead, like Shakespeare's use of breezy romance poems and prosaic revenge thrillers for the plots of many of his most carefully wrought plays, and Tarantino's idealization of the most compelling elements of B-movie extremes, CVM harnesses the dream-work of this American mythology and retrofits it to the highest degrees of sobriety and humanity.
After years of struggling against the deadly and histrionic machinations of the criminally insane, the Cockroach, a man with a leather mask chin-strapped to his head, finally confronts destiny in the form of a seemingly ordinary youth who focuses all the rage of his failed life onto society while finding himself graced with incredible powers.
Though this novel capitalizes on the architecture of the superhero genre, it is not an homage to comic-book geekery, nor is it a “with-a-wink” condescension crafted for the knowing literati.
Instead, like Shakespeare's use of breezy romance poems and prosaic revenge thrillers for the plots of many of his most carefully wrought plays, and Tarantino's idealization of the most compelling elements of B-movie extremes, CVM harnesses the dream-work of this American mythology and retrofits it to the highest degrees of sobriety and humanity.