You don't have to produce the same thing as someone else. This why most people achieve minimal or no results with their products and why there is so many products saying the same thing. People don't produce from their own inner gifting set. They have not learnt how to turn-on their own productivity and how to overcome inner challenges that block the blossoming of their creativity. You can't create a unique story that attracts people and build a community around you if have not find yourself. In this book I lay out the simple blueprint that explains how to stimulate your inner productivity that will create wealth. This is what the conquering 'you' is about.
You don't have to produce the same thing as someone else. This why most people achieve minimal or no results with their products and why there is so many products saying the same thing. People don't produce from their own inner gifting set. They have not learnt how to turn-on their own productivity and how to overcome inner challenges that block the blossoming of their creativity. You can't create a unique story that attracts people and build a community around you if have not find yourself. In this book I lay out the simple blueprint that explains how to stimulate your inner productivity that will create wealth. This is what the conquering 'you' is about.