Laura, a young woman who is skilled at cooking, plans on celebrating Mother’s Day alone with her family. However, her father, who rose to prominence as a cold-blooded accountant with shady ethics, brings one more man to the table. Thinking that the guest would be just as cold as her father, Laura is surprised to find herself attracted to Jake at first sight. Before she knows it, she ends up sharing a kiss with him in the garden, and innocent Laura falls head over heels for him! However, Jake has ulterior motives, and on their next date something happens that she could never have anticipated!
Laura, a young woman who is skilled at cooking, plans on celebrating Mother’s Day alone with her family. However, her father, who rose to prominence as a cold-blooded accountant with shady ethics, brings one more man to the table. Thinking that the guest would be just as cold as her father, Laura is surprised to find herself attracted to Jake at first sight. Before she knows it, she ends up sharing a kiss with him in the garden, and innocent Laura falls head over heels for him! However, Jake has ulterior motives, and on their next date something happens that she could never have anticipated!