Two adorable Ducks named Weeedoooly and McGimpsey must make travel plans for their summer migration to Canada. They decide to try a place Weeedoooly heard about called Country Villas. Well, it turns out the summer vacation to Country Villas just might be their best vacation ever. Author Sandi Sellen lives in Country Villas, East St. Paul, Manitoba, with her husband David. They have three daughters, four grandchildren, and two cats. Illustrator Heather Maltman Dinwoodie lives with her husband Murray in Langley, British Columbia. They have three children and six grandchildren.Sandi and Heather are sisters.
Two adorable Ducks named Weeedoooly and McGimpsey must make travel plans for their summer migration to Canada. They decide to try a place Weeedoooly heard about called Country Villas. Well, it turns out the summer vacation to Country Villas just might be their best vacation ever. Author Sandi Sellen lives in Country Villas, East St. Paul, Manitoba, with her husband David. They have three daughters, four grandchildren, and two cats. Illustrator Heather Maltman Dinwoodie lives with her husband Murray in Langley, British Columbia. They have three children and six grandchildren.Sandi and Heather are sisters.