Jev Bjorn, a teenager from the human colony world of Alessi, and Kiyel Lhevic, the estranged first born son of a Caitaran Pride Leader, are both telepaths of the highest order, brought together by chance, and linked in a bond as strong as their love for each other. But even as they sought to understand their suddenly enhanced and intermingled abilities, they soon find themselves drawn into an ages old conflict. For even as Alessian and Caitaran diplomats negotiate a mutal defense pact and trade agreement between their two worlds, an ancient enemy, which centuries earlier had been banished from Caitar, has suddenly returned to fulfill their ancesstors' dream: the eradication of all alien influences on Caitar ... and they plan to begin with the destruction of Jev and Kiyel and all whom they have come into contact with.
Jev Bjorn, a teenager from the human colony world of Alessi, and Kiyel Lhevic, the estranged first born son of a Caitaran Pride Leader, are both telepaths of the highest order, brought together by chance, and linked in a bond as strong as their love for each other. But even as they sought to understand their suddenly enhanced and intermingled abilities, they soon find themselves drawn into an ages old conflict. For even as Alessian and Caitaran diplomats negotiate a mutal defense pact and trade agreement between their two worlds, an ancient enemy, which centuries earlier had been banished from Caitar, has suddenly returned to fulfill their ancesstors' dream: the eradication of all alien influences on Caitar ... and they plan to begin with the destruction of Jev and Kiyel and all whom they have come into contact with.