There has been a resurgence of interest in early-twentieth-century domestic service of late, due in large part to the remarkable popularity of the television series Downton Abbey. Many of the real-life analogues of the characters on that show probably owned a well-thumbed copy of Cristine Terhune Herrick's The Expert Maid-Servant, a comprehensive guide for those in service. The book offers a fascinating glimpse into the lives and responsibilities of maids and other household help, as well as many useful housekeeping tips.
There has been a resurgence of interest in early-twentieth-century domestic service of late, due in large part to the remarkable popularity of the television series Downton Abbey. Many of the real-life analogues of the characters on that show probably owned a well-thumbed copy of Cristine Terhune Herrick's The Expert Maid-Servant, a comprehensive guide for those in service. The book offers a fascinating glimpse into the lives and responsibilities of maids and other household help, as well as many useful housekeeping tips.