A year has passed since Ro Bernard escaped from the clandestine group of mercenaries known as the Midnight Scorpions. Though haunted by what she witnessed as a member of the organization, her primary focus is staying alive in the outside world. After a chance encounter, Ro reveals the most disturbing information she has on the Scorpions to Karin Cassels, whose son died in their underground laboratory. Their leader, scientist Dane Zedek, has been integrating cybernetic parts with human soldiers in the hopes of building himself an indestructible army.
The women hatch a plan to kill Zedek and rescue Callum, Ro's lover who was the first of the experimental hybrids. Dr. Cassels directs Ro to Reggie Quinn, a drifter who is no stranger to risky situations. Together they embark on an adventure to make the necessary preparations for their schemes. Along the way, Ro tries to fight her attraction to Reggie, especially as reminders of her past keep resurfacing. Love and redemption wait for her at the end of her mission …assuming she makes it out alive.
A year has passed since Ro Bernard escaped from the clandestine group of mercenaries known as the Midnight Scorpions. Though haunted by what she witnessed as a member of the organization, her primary focus is staying alive in the outside world. After a chance encounter, Ro reveals the most disturbing information she has on the Scorpions to Karin Cassels, whose son died in their underground laboratory. Their leader, scientist Dane Zedek, has been integrating cybernetic parts with human soldiers in the hopes of building himself an indestructible army.
The women hatch a plan to kill Zedek and rescue Callum, Ro's lover who was the first of the experimental hybrids. Dr. Cassels directs Ro to Reggie Quinn, a drifter who is no stranger to risky situations. Together they embark on an adventure to make the necessary preparations for their schemes. Along the way, Ro tries to fight her attraction to Reggie, especially as reminders of her past keep resurfacing. Love and redemption wait for her at the end of her mission …assuming she makes it out alive.