This is the story of a young whistleblower, Stanley Hall, who ends up changing “business as usual” at a nuclear weapons laboratory. His story, prior to being in the bomb business, includes periods of euphoria and recklessness followed by extreme grief and remorse. In his darkest hours he becomes concerned with greater moral good. At the Fairfield National Laboratory, he can either “play nice” or risk his career by reporting the fraud and abuse that is in front of him. His dilemma is further complicated by the close personal relationships that he has with some of the people he works with, whom he considers to be his friends.
This is the story of a young whistleblower, Stanley Hall, who ends up changing “business as usual” at a nuclear weapons laboratory. His story, prior to being in the bomb business, includes periods of euphoria and recklessness followed by extreme grief and remorse. In his darkest hours he becomes concerned with greater moral good. At the Fairfield National Laboratory, he can either “play nice” or risk his career by reporting the fraud and abuse that is in front of him. His dilemma is further complicated by the close personal relationships that he has with some of the people he works with, whom he considers to be his friends.