In this eighth issue of Ghost Rider we find the following galloping, ghoulish stories...
"The Inn On Skull Mountain", "A Thirst for Blood", "The Knife in the Night", "Death Came Calling", "The Haunted Girl" plus vintage advertisements
Ghost Rider is an exciting blend of horror and spaghetti-Western hero invented by Dick Ayers and artist Ray Krank in 1949. Ghost Rider is the original inspiration for a different, non-horror, comic where his horse was swapped for a motorcycle.
Enjoy a nostalgic trip down memory lane with the best titles from the golden age of comics. Yojimbo Press has lovingly remastered these timeless classics with vivid color correction and image restoration.
In this eighth issue of Ghost Rider we find the following galloping, ghoulish stories...
"The Inn On Skull Mountain", "A Thirst for Blood", "The Knife in the Night", "Death Came Calling", "The Haunted Girl" plus vintage advertisements
Ghost Rider is an exciting blend of horror and spaghetti-Western hero invented by Dick Ayers and artist Ray Krank in 1949. Ghost Rider is the original inspiration for a different, non-horror, comic where his horse was swapped for a motorcycle.
Enjoy a nostalgic trip down memory lane with the best titles from the golden age of comics. Yojimbo Press has lovingly remastered these timeless classics with vivid color correction and image restoration.