"The Great Adventures of Piggy the Peruvian Pig" is based a true story about Piggy, a Peruvian guinea pig, who is lost in the Virginia wilderness. It teaches children that the greatest adventures come when least expected, and that you have to be courageous even when you are afraid. It also teaches us that sometimes we learn the most about ourselves when we are forced into situations that we are unprepared for, like Piggy, who learns he is bold and brave when faced with adversity.
"The Great Adventures of Piggy the Peruvian Pig" is based a true story about Piggy, a Peruvian guinea pig, who is lost in the Virginia wilderness. It teaches children that the greatest adventures come when least expected, and that you have to be courageous even when you are afraid. It also teaches us that sometimes we learn the most about ourselves when we are forced into situations that we are unprepared for, like Piggy, who learns he is bold and brave when faced with adversity.