Classic Native American Nonfiction. History. According to Wikipedia, "Charles Alexander Eastman (February 19, 1858 - January 8, 1939) was a Native American writer, physician, and reformer. He was of Santee Sioux and Anglo-American ancestry. Active in politics and issues on American Indian rights, he also helped found the Boy Scouts of America....He was named Hakadah at his birth on a reservation near Redwood Falls, Minnesota. In Dakota, Hakadah means the "pitiful last", as his mother Mary died at his birth. He was later named Ohíye S’a (Dakota for "wins often") after winning a rough game of lacrosse....In 1933, Eastman was the first to receive the Indian Achievement Award."
Classic Native American Nonfiction. History. According to Wikipedia, "Charles Alexander Eastman (February 19, 1858 - January 8, 1939) was a Native American writer, physician, and reformer. He was of Santee Sioux and Anglo-American ancestry. Active in politics and issues on American Indian rights, he also helped found the Boy Scouts of America....He was named Hakadah at his birth on a reservation near Redwood Falls, Minnesota. In Dakota, Hakadah means the "pitiful last", as his mother Mary died at his birth. He was later named Ohíye S’a (Dakota for "wins often") after winning a rough game of lacrosse....In 1933, Eastman was the first to receive the Indian Achievement Award."