"The Joys of Christmas" is a story of all stories, yet it doesn't present itself in story form. Rather, it's like a small encyclopedia, designed to help its readers truly understand and embrace the joyful celebration of Christmas. "The Joys of Christmas" is a book which, while easy to read, conveys a message which is disappearing in North American society. The outward trappings of Christmas remain a part of our culture, but the real significance of the holiday-the birth of Jesus Christ-is being overshadowed by secular pleasures. I recommend this book to all who wish to understand "the reason for the season" and to all who seek a relationship with the living Christ by learning of His birth and the events surrounding it. -The Reverend Fr. Richard Hawrish, B.Sc., LL.B.
"The Joys of Christmas" is a story of all stories, yet it doesn't present itself in story form. Rather, it's like a small encyclopedia, designed to help its readers truly understand and embrace the joyful celebration of Christmas. "The Joys of Christmas" is a book which, while easy to read, conveys a message which is disappearing in North American society. The outward trappings of Christmas remain a part of our culture, but the real significance of the holiday-the birth of Jesus Christ-is being overshadowed by secular pleasures. I recommend this book to all who wish to understand "the reason for the season" and to all who seek a relationship with the living Christ by learning of His birth and the events surrounding it. -The Reverend Fr. Richard Hawrish, B.Sc., LL.B.