In The Life and Way for the Practice of the Church Life Witness Lee speaks not only of our need to know Christ but also of our need to receive a vision of the church, His Body. Enjoying Christ as life will lead us into the proper practice of the church life. In the proper church life we all live and move as members of the Body, guard the genuine ground of oneness, and experience Christ in order to present His riches in the meetings for the building up of His Body.
In The Life and Way for the Practice of the Church Life Witness Lee speaks not only of our need to know Christ but also of our need to receive a vision of the church, His Body. Enjoying Christ as life will lead us into the proper practice of the church life. In the proper church life we all live and move as members of the Body, guard the genuine ground of oneness, and experience Christ in order to present His riches in the meetings for the building up of His Body.