Danny Sherman, a young record industry executive, is returning to Hollywood after a successful Indonesian concert tour with a world famous rock band. Flying at thirty thousand feet above the clouds and struggling to sleep he sees a vision of a tropical beach. The vision of this quiet beach will reappear to Danny time and time again in years to come and his attempts to understand its meaning will dramatically change the course of his life. When as an old man the answer comes, he realizes why he needed to see it.
Danny Sherman, a young record industry executive, is returning to Hollywood after a successful Indonesian concert tour with a world famous rock band. Flying at thirty thousand feet above the clouds and struggling to sleep he sees a vision of a tropical beach. The vision of this quiet beach will reappear to Danny time and time again in years to come and his attempts to understand its meaning will dramatically change the course of his life. When as an old man the answer comes, he realizes why he needed to see it.