American author Harold Frederic tackles the complexities of late-nineteenth-century capitalism in this thought-provoking novel. Antihero Joel Thorpe is an archetypal example of the rags-to-riches success story, but rather than relying solely on pluck and hard work, Thorpe gleefully cheats and steals in the process of amassing his fortune. It's a nuanced look at the changing face of industry during a key transitional period in history.
American author Harold Frederic tackles the complexities of late-nineteenth-century capitalism in this thought-provoking novel. Antihero Joel Thorpe is an archetypal example of the rags-to-riches success story, but rather than relying solely on pluck and hard work, Thorpe gleefully cheats and steals in the process of amassing his fortune. It's a nuanced look at the changing face of industry during a key transitional period in history.