Believing young people need simple methods to guide their future, Henri Rabb Pop Ferger, a 54-year-old camp counselor on furlough from his missionary post as an educator in India challenges young people to solve an Indian puzzle ring as a way to remember the keys to becoming a well-rounded person. His message, originally intended to motivate boys to rise and live a free and full life, links four simple words: Mind, Body, Social Qualities, and Spirit (MBSQS), which are derived from St. Luke 2:52.
Believing young people need simple methods to guide their future, Henri Rabb Pop Ferger, a 54-year-old camp counselor on furlough from his missionary post as an educator in India challenges young people to solve an Indian puzzle ring as a way to remember the keys to becoming a well-rounded person. His message, originally intended to motivate boys to rise and live a free and full life, links four simple words: Mind, Body, Social Qualities, and Spirit (MBSQS), which are derived from St. Luke 2:52.