The Mountain of Miracles follows Grandfather and David as they embark on a journey for herbal remedies to grandfather's sickness. Their quest, however, ultimately turns into a quest to cure David of a sickness far deeper than grandfather's sickness, as David begins to misuse the gift of his grandfather's love and loyalty. It is a story of redemption that aims to teach children transcendental lessons in the meaning of life and the value of faith. The theme of Faith, Hope, Community, Love, Forgiveness, and Appreciation is presented in this magnificent work by the author.
The Mountain of Miracles follows Grandfather and David as they embark on a journey for herbal remedies to grandfather's sickness. Their quest, however, ultimately turns into a quest to cure David of a sickness far deeper than grandfather's sickness, as David begins to misuse the gift of his grandfather's love and loyalty. It is a story of redemption that aims to teach children transcendental lessons in the meaning of life and the value of faith. The theme of Faith, Hope, Community, Love, Forgiveness, and Appreciation is presented in this magnificent work by the author.