Dark and atmospheric science fiction books designed to motivate struggling and reluctant readers. The series tells the continuing story of Matt Merton, one man fighting for survival in the aftermath of an alien invasion. Each book offers a powerful storyline with fast-moving narratives, specially-designed text and thought-provoking themes. Matt Merton can't remember what happened to him on the night of The Crash. Then he has a nightmare that could give him all the answers he needs. Is this just a bad dream? Or is it the truth at last?
Dark and atmospheric science fiction books designed to motivate struggling and reluctant readers. The series tells the continuing story of Matt Merton, one man fighting for survival in the aftermath of an alien invasion. Each book offers a powerful storyline with fast-moving narratives, specially-designed text and thought-provoking themes. Matt Merton can't remember what happened to him on the night of The Crash. Then he has a nightmare that could give him all the answers he needs. Is this just a bad dream? Or is it the truth at last?