In the early twentieth century, an ambitious entrepreneur named Edward Stratemeyer revolutionized the publishing industry with the creation of the Stratemeyer Syndicate, which focused on developing action-adventure series targeted at young boys and girls. "The Outdoor Chums," which follows a pair of strapping young nature enthusiasts through various kerfuffles and hijinks, became one of the most popular franchises. This volume puts the Outdoor Chums right in the middle of a heated dispute between competing hunters.
In the early twentieth century, an ambitious entrepreneur named Edward Stratemeyer revolutionized the publishing industry with the creation of the Stratemeyer Syndicate, which focused on developing action-adventure series targeted at young boys and girls. "The Outdoor Chums," which follows a pair of strapping young nature enthusiasts through various kerfuffles and hijinks, became one of the most popular franchises. This volume puts the Outdoor Chums right in the middle of a heated dispute between competing hunters.