A wonderful thought provoking novel from Lyz Harvey. Following Cressida’s unexpected death, Troy retrieves two secret manuscripts from her house, ensuring that even Cressy’s son remains unaware of their existence. These manuscripts lead Troy on a journey of discovery, despite the grief of bereavement and loss, which reveals Cressy’s hitherto unknown and emerging beliefs, explored in the novel she left behind her. The novel contains many threads within its various plots, charting the profound effects of one woman’s arrogance and need to control not only her family, but everyone she encounters. The ripples of her behaviour and beliefs continue even after her death, as her family comes to terms with her legacy of secrecy and spite. The woman herself discovers an unexpected afterlife in which she has to acknowledge her motivation and the consequences of her actions in the life she left so suddenly, before she is able to move on.
A wonderful thought provoking novel from Lyz Harvey. Following Cressida’s unexpected death, Troy retrieves two secret manuscripts from her house, ensuring that even Cressy’s son remains unaware of their existence. These manuscripts lead Troy on a journey of discovery, despite the grief of bereavement and loss, which reveals Cressy’s hitherto unknown and emerging beliefs, explored in the novel she left behind her. The novel contains many threads within its various plots, charting the profound effects of one woman’s arrogance and need to control not only her family, but everyone she encounters. The ripples of her behaviour and beliefs continue even after her death, as her family comes to terms with her legacy of secrecy and spite. The woman herself discovers an unexpected afterlife in which she has to acknowledge her motivation and the consequences of her actions in the life she left so suddenly, before she is able to move on.