For the love of reading, writing and sheer appreciation for the craft of creative expression, a mother and her teenage son collaborated to unleash the Secret Mantra. Chaitra and her teenage son Sunjay are avid readers and enjoy em¬barking upon fun-filled imaginative journeys of the mind inside the core of fantasy books and stories. They found a purpose to collaborate together with ideas of Indian mythology, interwoven with an imaginative story enjoy¬ing the experience together in creating the Secret Mantra. There is an age-old adage saying that: There comes a point in time when the avid book reader would become a writer and create a world of fantasy, build characters and test their endurance in a fulfilled mental escape into a super¬natural adventure of the legends. We hope you enjoy the journey with us!
For the love of reading, writing and sheer appreciation for the craft of creative expression, a mother and her teenage son collaborated to unleash the Secret Mantra. Chaitra and her teenage son Sunjay are avid readers and enjoy em¬barking upon fun-filled imaginative journeys of the mind inside the core of fantasy books and stories. They found a purpose to collaborate together with ideas of Indian mythology, interwoven with an imaginative story enjoy¬ing the experience together in creating the Secret Mantra. There is an age-old adage saying that: There comes a point in time when the avid book reader would become a writer and create a world of fantasy, build characters and test their endurance in a fulfilled mental escape into a super¬natural adventure of the legends. We hope you enjoy the journey with us!