Divided into twelve headed sections, 'The Soul of Being' examines a number of dichotomous antitheses, such as freedom and binding, the conscious and the unconscious, form and content(ment), sensuality and sensibility, primacy and supremacy, etc., etc. and draws conclusions appropriate to its Social Transcendentalist ideological bias, with, as ever, a comprehensively consistent approach based on elemental quadruplicities, viz. fire, water, vegetation (earth), and air, together with their various philosophical permutations.
Divided into twelve headed sections, 'The Soul of Being' examines a number of dichotomous antitheses, such as freedom and binding, the conscious and the unconscious, form and content(ment), sensuality and sensibility, primacy and supremacy, etc., etc. and draws conclusions appropriate to its Social Transcendentalist ideological bias, with, as ever, a comprehensively consistent approach based on elemental quadruplicities, viz. fire, water, vegetation (earth), and air, together with their various philosophical permutations.