Two six-year-olds, Nicholas Czerwinski and Hollyanna Berry, live across town from each other, yet worlds apart. Nicholas is from aAnormal family,@ while Hollyanna and her mother struggle to make ends meet. One Christmas Nicholas and Hollyanna meet in a Christmas novelties shop. Their lives are forever changed. Hollyanna falls in love with a necklace, promising her mother never to ask Santa Claus for anything more, if just once he would bring her a present, something he=d never done. Nicholas, touched by the Christmas spirit, writes Santa a letter, asking him to keep some of his presents so the girl can get the necklace instead. Twenty years later, Hollyanna Berry, now a nurse, is still wearing the necklace, wishing she could thank the stranger who sent it. After being treated for injuries suffered on the job, firefighter Nicholas Czerwinski finds the necklace on his person. His only desire now is to find its ownerYbut how?
Two six-year-olds, Nicholas Czerwinski and Hollyanna Berry, live across town from each other, yet worlds apart. Nicholas is from aAnormal family,@ while Hollyanna and her mother struggle to make ends meet. One Christmas Nicholas and Hollyanna meet in a Christmas novelties shop. Their lives are forever changed. Hollyanna falls in love with a necklace, promising her mother never to ask Santa Claus for anything more, if just once he would bring her a present, something he=d never done. Nicholas, touched by the Christmas spirit, writes Santa a letter, asking him to keep some of his presents so the girl can get the necklace instead. Twenty years later, Hollyanna Berry, now a nurse, is still wearing the necklace, wishing she could thank the stranger who sent it. After being treated for injuries suffered on the job, firefighter Nicholas Czerwinski finds the necklace on his person. His only desire now is to find its ownerYbut how?