The story begins on August 14, 1945 known throughout the world as V-J DAY. The streets of New York are filled with people celebrating the end of the sad and terrible World War ll. Young Jeff Mason and his grandfather lean out of their apartment window that overlooks 5th Avenue, New York and they look over the crowd below them. The old man takes his grandson on a journey through the corridors of life explaining to him the inherent traits that often mold a human being. He focuses on three pylons entitled: Race, Religion and Culture. Upon these three foundation pylons, the four pillars of life rest: Integrity, Character, Belief, and Execution. The story is interwoven with examples and true accounts throughout history of people who displayed these traits. The young boy remembers this experience on August 14, 1945 for the rest of his life. Told through the words of a loving grandfather to his 14-year-old grandson as they observe VJ day events from their window, this book presents a clear protocol to help all of us identify, clarify, and express our own values in today’s turbulent times. This thought-provoking and passionate message will leave a lasting impression on any reader. “This is a book that “sticks to your ribs.” Dr. Barbara Bower Louisville, KY
The story begins on August 14, 1945 known throughout the world as V-J DAY. The streets of New York are filled with people celebrating the end of the sad and terrible World War ll. Young Jeff Mason and his grandfather lean out of their apartment window that overlooks 5th Avenue, New York and they look over the crowd below them. The old man takes his grandson on a journey through the corridors of life explaining to him the inherent traits that often mold a human being. He focuses on three pylons entitled: Race, Religion and Culture. Upon these three foundation pylons, the four pillars of life rest: Integrity, Character, Belief, and Execution. The story is interwoven with examples and true accounts throughout history of people who displayed these traits. The young boy remembers this experience on August 14, 1945 for the rest of his life. Told through the words of a loving grandfather to his 14-year-old grandson as they observe VJ day events from their window, this book presents a clear protocol to help all of us identify, clarify, and express our own values in today’s turbulent times. This thought-provoking and passionate message will leave a lasting impression on any reader. “This is a book that “sticks to your ribs.” Dr. Barbara Bower Louisville, KY