When you go to college, you are starting to break away from your family and friends in the old neighborhood, presumably to discover your own true identity. You have no choice but to confront yourself. In your old high school you might have been the big fish in a little pond. Now you’re a little fish in a big pond. Everybody thinks they’re special. They’re not focusing on you as the cool, popular one. You have to make your own way. Depression rates are high. People are alone. They’re trying to do well in school. They’re competing with each other. You have to create a life for yourself. It’s your life. You will spend your life alone. You will not have the comfort of the family home anymore.
When you go to college, you are starting to break away from your family and friends in the old neighborhood, presumably to discover your own true identity. You have no choice but to confront yourself. In your old high school you might have been the big fish in a little pond. Now you’re a little fish in a big pond. Everybody thinks they’re special. They’re not focusing on you as the cool, popular one. You have to make your own way. Depression rates are high. People are alone. They’re trying to do well in school. They’re competing with each other. You have to create a life for yourself. It’s your life. You will spend your life alone. You will not have the comfort of the family home anymore.