The real life of Wu Hsin is a historical puzzle that may well never be resolved. Long lost texts have emerged from more than two milennia beneath the soil in South China. Written on bamboo and silk and entombed in burial sites of sages of the Southern Region, the writings of Wu Hsin are indeed a treasure. In this volume, he takes his students on an interior journey, figuratively and literally. Leaving their mountaintop hermitage, the students send several months inside Water Cave, during which time the Master expounds a timeless wisdom in his inimitable style.
The real life of Wu Hsin is a historical puzzle that may well never be resolved. Long lost texts have emerged from more than two milennia beneath the soil in South China. Written on bamboo and silk and entombed in burial sites of sages of the Southern Region, the writings of Wu Hsin are indeed a treasure. In this volume, he takes his students on an interior journey, figuratively and literally. Leaving their mountaintop hermitage, the students send several months inside Water Cave, during which time the Master expounds a timeless wisdom in his inimitable style.