To Hell and High Water tells the story of the quest of two brothers to conquer the extreme conditions of outback Australia, recreating the Bourke to Hungerford tramp that influenced some of Australian literary legend Henry Lawsons greatest works. The book is part autobiography and part biography. It is an autobiography of the authors experiences with his brother overcoming significant obstacles to achieve his dream of walking in Lawsons footsteps. It paints a vivid picture of some of Australias most remote country, the challenges and dangers, the heat, the distance, mosquitoes, blisters and thirst. At the same time it blends in the biography of Henry Lawsons captivating life including his marriage, struggles with alcoholism, his suicide attempt, influences upon his writing and his ideals of mateship. Extracts of Lawsons own writing have been carefully selected and woven into the narrative in a manner that draws parallels between the two experiences and offers fresh insights into his life.
To Hell and High Water tells the story of the quest of two brothers to conquer the extreme conditions of outback Australia, recreating the Bourke to Hungerford tramp that influenced some of Australian literary legend Henry Lawsons greatest works. The book is part autobiography and part biography. It is an autobiography of the authors experiences with his brother overcoming significant obstacles to achieve his dream of walking in Lawsons footsteps. It paints a vivid picture of some of Australias most remote country, the challenges and dangers, the heat, the distance, mosquitoes, blisters and thirst. At the same time it blends in the biography of Henry Lawsons captivating life including his marriage, struggles with alcoholism, his suicide attempt, influences upon his writing and his ideals of mateship. Extracts of Lawsons own writing have been carefully selected and woven into the narrative in a manner that draws parallels between the two experiences and offers fresh insights into his life.