The upsetting of natural order is our largest tragedy, none more than the death of a child. Thus the bones of this shattering novel. Where Himmelman, his own history of break and mend as perhaps his only aid to understanding, must move from impotence to rage and whatever beyond. But a writer too. With a writer's exclusive powers. To record, to relive, to honour with fullest art and ability the beloved existence of his daughter's however stopped nevertheless complete life.
The upsetting of natural order is our largest tragedy, none more than the death of a child. Thus the bones of this shattering novel. Where Himmelman, his own history of break and mend as perhaps his only aid to understanding, must move from impotence to rage and whatever beyond. But a writer too. With a writer's exclusive powers. To record, to relive, to honour with fullest art and ability the beloved existence of his daughter's however stopped nevertheless complete life.