Hadley Price, the formidable Vampire known as the Guardian Angel, was used to dealing with inconveniences caused by Humans who got in her way. But when Hadley’s daughter, the young Vampire Svetlana Magnovska, is put in danger, Hadley and her Vampire lover, Nathan Hughes, uncover a threat to Vampires that spans across the Seven Worlds. Now Hadley is poised to take revenge on the interplanetary Human cabal called Torch. No one messes with the family of the Guardian Angel.
Hadley Price, the formidable Vampire known as the Guardian Angel, was used to dealing with inconveniences caused by Humans who got in her way. But when Hadley’s daughter, the young Vampire Svetlana Magnovska, is put in danger, Hadley and her Vampire lover, Nathan Hughes, uncover a threat to Vampires that spans across the Seven Worlds. Now Hadley is poised to take revenge on the interplanetary Human cabal called Torch. No one messes with the family of the Guardian Angel.