Jayden and Taryn Ridgecut are family, twins who grew up in an ordinary small town on Earth. Jayden felt his world would come crashing down, as his sister was leaving soon for the prestigious Alliance Space Academy. Though life shows us different paths taken in life sometimes draw together in unusual ways. Dreams are best left in your mind, is the philosophy of some people, but Jayden is determined to break the mold on how society views him. Sometimes all anyone needs is an opportunity, and once that opportunity arises then it is the spirit that will determine whether we succeed or fail. Follow along with the adventure as Jayden Ridgecut tries to catch his dreams, follow his heart and protect the people he loves.
Jayden and Taryn Ridgecut are family, twins who grew up in an ordinary small town on Earth. Jayden felt his world would come crashing down, as his sister was leaving soon for the prestigious Alliance Space Academy. Though life shows us different paths taken in life sometimes draw together in unusual ways. Dreams are best left in your mind, is the philosophy of some people, but Jayden is determined to break the mold on how society views him. Sometimes all anyone needs is an opportunity, and once that opportunity arises then it is the spirit that will determine whether we succeed or fail. Follow along with the adventure as Jayden Ridgecut tries to catch his dreams, follow his heart and protect the people he loves.