Lucie Lerner, a brilliant architectural grad student, has been chosen to participate in the prestigious Goldstein Competition. She flies to Malta for the qualifying rounds. But, so many emotions, a long voyage, the heat... before she knows it, she has collapsed—right into the arms of a seductive stranger... who turns out to be none other than Christopher Lord, the competition ambassador! Will this gorgeous young woman allow herself to be carried away by the millionaire's magnetic charms?Don't resist this new saga written by Hannah Taylor, following in the footsteps of One Hundred Facets of Mr. Diamonds, in which a young woman, inexperienced in love, meets her destiny...
Lucie Lerner, a brilliant architectural grad student, has been chosen to participate in the prestigious Goldstein Competition. She flies to Malta for the qualifying rounds. But, so many emotions, a long voyage, the heat... before she knows it, she has collapsed—right into the arms of a seductive stranger... who turns out to be none other than Christopher Lord, the competition ambassador! Will this gorgeous young woman allow herself to be carried away by the millionaire's magnetic charms?Don't resist this new saga written by Hannah Taylor, following in the footsteps of One Hundred Facets of Mr. Diamonds, in which a young woman, inexperienced in love, meets her destiny...