Unlock the Power of your Credit Score is an endeavour by three writers, Arun Ramamurthy, Gaurav Wadhwani and Aman Kapoor. In this day and age, Credit has become an integral part of every average Indian financial life. Access to credit is essentially a function of our past actions which are evaluated in statistical terms such as credit scores. With around 28 crore people in India having a credit score and a very small number among them understanding its true importance, this book is an endeavour to demystify the “Credit Score” and guide people on how they can harness its true potential.
Unlock the Power of your Credit Score is an endeavour by three writers, Arun Ramamurthy, Gaurav Wadhwani and Aman Kapoor. In this day and age, Credit has become an integral part of every average Indian financial life. Access to credit is essentially a function of our past actions which are evaluated in statistical terms such as credit scores. With around 28 crore people in India having a credit score and a very small number among them understanding its true importance, this book is an endeavour to demystify the “Credit Score” and guide people on how they can harness its true potential.