In March 2010 I was sat on a very windy Scarfell pike and dreamt up an idea. That idea turned into an obsession. It has made me many friends and got me through some incredibly hard times. This journey has been the making of me. Before it began I was going nowhere and had no focus, no vision of what to do with my life or what path to take. I now have a clear vision and a spark for life that only an adventurer can. The book is about my journey and I hope it inspires you as others have inspired me.
In March 2010 I was sat on a very windy Scarfell pike and dreamt up an idea. That idea turned into an obsession. It has made me many friends and got me through some incredibly hard times. This journey has been the making of me. Before it began I was going nowhere and had no focus, no vision of what to do with my life or what path to take. I now have a clear vision and a spark for life that only an adventurer can. The book is about my journey and I hope it inspires you as others have inspired me.