Waiting for you revolves around Gopal, a resident doctor and student of Surgery, and Rina, a student of Nursing, who meet fortuitously at a college cultural function and fall in love. The bonds of love take them forward inexorably to further stages of togetherness in this beautiful journey called life. Their matrimonial alliance is strongly resisted by the traditional Hindu parents of Gopal and even more conservative Christian parents of Rina. Will there be a turnout of events that can make the parents happily give their consent to their marriage? Will the natural forces of love triumph over everything else?
Waiting for you revolves around Gopal, a resident doctor and student of Surgery, and Rina, a student of Nursing, who meet fortuitously at a college cultural function and fall in love. The bonds of love take them forward inexorably to further stages of togetherness in this beautiful journey called life. Their matrimonial alliance is strongly resisted by the traditional Hindu parents of Gopal and even more conservative Christian parents of Rina. Will there be a turnout of events that can make the parents happily give their consent to their marriage? Will the natural forces of love triumph over everything else?