Ananias! Ye-as, suh? What time is it? Gyahd-mountin' done gone, suh. The devil it has! What do you mean, sir, by allowing me to sleep on in this shameless and unconscionable manner, when an indulgent government is suffering for my services? What sort of day is it, sir? Beautiful day, Mr. Waring. Then go at once to Mr. Larkin and tell him he can't wear his new silk hat this morning, – I want it, and you fetch it. Don't allow him to ring in the old one on you. Tell him I mean the new 'spring style' he just brought from New York. Tell Mr. Ferry I want that new Hatfield suit of his, and you get Mr. Pierce's silk umbrella; then come back here and get my bath and my coffee. Stop there, Ananias! Give my pious regards to the commanding officer, sir, and tell him that there's no drill for 'X' Battery this morning, as I'm to breakfast at Moreau's at eleven o'clock and go to the matinée afterwards. "Beg pahdon, suh, but de cunnle's done ohdered review fo' de whole command, suh, right at nine o'clock
Ananias! Ye-as, suh? What time is it? Gyahd-mountin' done gone, suh. The devil it has! What do you mean, sir, by allowing me to sleep on in this shameless and unconscionable manner, when an indulgent government is suffering for my services? What sort of day is it, sir? Beautiful day, Mr. Waring. Then go at once to Mr. Larkin and tell him he can't wear his new silk hat this morning, – I want it, and you fetch it. Don't allow him to ring in the old one on you. Tell him I mean the new 'spring style' he just brought from New York. Tell Mr. Ferry I want that new Hatfield suit of his, and you get Mr. Pierce's silk umbrella; then come back here and get my bath and my coffee. Stop there, Ananias! Give my pious regards to the commanding officer, sir, and tell him that there's no drill for 'X' Battery this morning, as I'm to breakfast at Moreau's at eleven o'clock and go to the matinée afterwards. "Beg pahdon, suh, but de cunnle's done ohdered review fo' de whole command, suh, right at nine o'clock