Following their very unusual Saturday meeting, Sunday and Monday offered Jimmy and Cory, each man, the opportunity of sharing some of his earlier life experiences, and additionally, gave the new lovers the opportunity to learn and share with each other, some new activities that had only been thought about before, but never personally experienced. "---- but I really do wanna be lying on top of you, while I try getting a fist up in my ass! Can you call him to see if he can come over!?" "---- a four day get together, where gay guys compete to see who can pile up the most sex points, for about any and all sexual activity accomplished that weekend. I got a total of 634 points." "----he's at nine and a half. As his older brother, did you use up too much of the Hallbrook family thing, or is my man the bigger of the subject?"
Following their very unusual Saturday meeting, Sunday and Monday offered Jimmy and Cory, each man, the opportunity of sharing some of his earlier life experiences, and additionally, gave the new lovers the opportunity to learn and share with each other, some new activities that had only been thought about before, but never personally experienced. "---- but I really do wanna be lying on top of you, while I try getting a fist up in my ass! Can you call him to see if he can come over!?" "---- a four day get together, where gay guys compete to see who can pile up the most sex points, for about any and all sexual activity accomplished that weekend. I got a total of 634 points." "----he's at nine and a half. As his older brother, did you use up too much of the Hallbrook family thing, or is my man the bigger of the subject?"