This book is by way of a follow-up to that best selling tale of daring-do and self sacrifice entitled 'A Boy's Own Offshore Adventure'. It came about as a result of a discussion with my wife, who wondered whether I could write a block-busting detective novel, in the manner, she said, of your hero Ian Rankin. Having realised the futility of such a request, she then suggested, in another unguarded moment, that it would be good to write a sequel to the 'Boy's Own Offshore' saga.
And so, in order to share with my loyal readers some further slightly mad, but nevertheless true, adventures in a career dedicated to providing the populace with oil and gas, I did.
Therefore, without further ado, be prepared to meet once again those unsung heroes - Liam, Bert, Sid and Vince. All of whom were around at the start of the rush for oil and gas in the North Sea throughout the 1970's and 80's.
Then, having said all I can about life offshore, you will be given a unique insight into the art of auditing unsuspecting companies, why Italians are superior to us in many ways, how we adapted to life without television in Kazakhstan and why Africa is no place for a pale, spectacle-wearing Anglo-Saxon.
This book is by way of a follow-up to that best selling tale of daring-do and self sacrifice entitled 'A Boy's Own Offshore Adventure'. It came about as a result of a discussion with my wife, who wondered whether I could write a block-busting detective novel, in the manner, she said, of your hero Ian Rankin. Having realised the futility of such a request, she then suggested, in another unguarded moment, that it would be good to write a sequel to the 'Boy's Own Offshore' saga.
And so, in order to share with my loyal readers some further slightly mad, but nevertheless true, adventures in a career dedicated to providing the populace with oil and gas, I did.
Therefore, without further ado, be prepared to meet once again those unsung heroes - Liam, Bert, Sid and Vince. All of whom were around at the start of the rush for oil and gas in the North Sea throughout the 1970's and 80's.
Then, having said all I can about life offshore, you will be given a unique insight into the art of auditing unsuspecting companies, why Italians are superior to us in many ways, how we adapted to life without television in Kazakhstan and why Africa is no place for a pale, spectacle-wearing Anglo-Saxon.