This anthology is a collection of twenty stories from the winning entries of the 2014 Bath Short Story Award. From the baked bean coloured world of The Ghost Boy to the garden war-zone of No Man's Land, through the revelations in The Language of Birds and a pivotal encounter in a shoe shop in The Beautiful Thing, a wealth of subjects is covered in unique and insightful ways. The 2014 award was judged by Lucy Luck of Lucy Luck Literary Associates.
This anthology is a collection of twenty stories from the winning entries of the 2014 Bath Short Story Award. From the baked bean coloured world of The Ghost Boy to the garden war-zone of No Man's Land, through the revelations in The Language of Birds and a pivotal encounter in a shoe shop in The Beautiful Thing, a wealth of subjects is covered in unique and insightful ways. The 2014 award was judged by Lucy Luck of Lucy Luck Literary Associates.