Mediation category: 303 books

Cover of General Principles of Law and International Due Process

General Principles of Law and International Due Process

Principles and Norms Applicable in Transnational Disputes

by Charles T. Kotuby, Jr., Luke A. Sobota
Language: English
Release Date: February 15, 2017

Article 38 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice defines "international law" to include not only "custom" and "convention" between States but also "the general principles of law recognized by civilized nations" within their municipal legal systems. In 1953, Bin Cheng wrote his seminal...
Cover of Collection of CEPANI arbitral awards / Recueil de sentences arbitrales du Cepani / Verzameling van arbitrale uitspraken van Cepani
by S. Bauwens, J. Bigwood, Olivier Caprasse
Language: French
Release Date: April 27, 2015

This work, the third volume in its series, is devoted entirely to the procedural issues that may arise during the course of an arbitration procedure. With this trilingual publication, CEPANI wishes to highlight the importance of the proper conduct of arbitral proceedings. Furthermore, the Centre...
Cover of Modes alternatifs de règlement des conflits
by Olivier Caprasse, Collectif
Language: French
Release Date: May 2, 2018

Réflexion sur la recherche de la voie procédurale la plus appropriée. Plus que jamais, la recherche de la voie procédurale la plus appropriée est au cœur des préoccupations des justiciables, de leurs conseils, des juges et du législateur. On pense ainsi aux nombreuses initiatives prises...
Cover of Chern on Dispute Boards

Chern on Dispute Boards

Practice and Procedure

by Cyril Chern
Language: English
Release Date: August 19, 2019

Chern on Dispute Boards examines the law of dispute boards and their development internationally, while also covering procedural topics that are of particular concern to those utilising dispute boards. It deals with advanced practitioner issues in the emerging law of dispute boards on an international...
Cover of International Dispute Resolution

International Dispute Resolution

Selected Issues in International Litigation and Arbitration

Language: English
Release Date: July 26, 2018

The contributions in this book cover a wide range of topics within modern dispute resolution, which can be summarised as follows: harmonisation, enforcement and alternative dispute resolution. In particular, it looks into the impact of harmonised EU law on national rules of civil...
Cover of Como chegar ao sim

Como chegar ao sim

Como negociar acordos sem fazer concessões

by Roger Fisher, William Ury, Bruce Patton
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: July 16, 2018

Uma das mais importantes obras da área de negócios, Como chegar ao sim já ajudou milhões de pessoas a adotar uma forma mais inteligente, amistosa e eficaz de negociar. Baseado no trabalho do Projeto de Negociação de Harvard, grupo que estuda e atua em todos os tipos de negociações,...
Cover of Le nostre città

Le nostre città

Dalla corruzione alla democrazia partecipata

by Susan Podziba
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 27, 2018

“Quando lasciai l’ufficio del commissario Harry Spence al termine del nostro primo incontro, la mia mente macinava un’idea dopo l’altra su come dare vita a un processo in grado di sviluppare capacità di autogoverno fra cittadini ormai assuefatti e rassegnati a un governo locale corrotto fino...
Cover of Litigio arbitral

Litigio arbitral

El arbitraje desde otra perspectiva

by Alfredo Bullard
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 4, 2017

El arbitraje desde otra perspectiva es un tratado digno de comentario. Se trata de un texto que no sólo informa, sino profundiza. A veces cuestiona. Con frecuencia propone. Y siempre divierte. Mediante una técnica que muestra no sólo sentido de humor, sino inteligencia, uno encuentra un conjunto...
Cover of La mediación familiar en situaciones asimétricas

La mediación familiar en situaciones asimétricas

Procesos de gestión de conflictos con episodios de violencia, drogodependencias, enfermedad mental y desequilibrio de poder

by Cristina Merino Ortiz
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 1, 2013

Desde la perspectiva más ortodoxa se defiende que la mediación no es efectiva en situaciones de asimetría, así como la obligatoriedad indiscutible de la imparcialidad y neutralidad de la persona mediadora. Este libro recoge una nueva perspectiva de “no neutralidad” y de parcialidad equilibrada.
Cover of International Commercial Arbitration and the Arbitrator's Contract
by Emilia Onyema
Language: English
Release Date: April 5, 2010

This book examines the formation, nature and effect of the arbitrators’ contract, addressing topics such as the appointment, challenge, removal and duties and rights of arbitrators, disputing parties and arbitration institutions. The arguments made in the book are based on a semi-autonomous theory...
Cover of Je suis harcelé(e) au travail 25 questions-réponses pour agir
by Carole About
Language: French
Release Date: February 20, 2014

Je suis harcelé(e) au travail (25 questions-réponses pour agir) donne les clés aux salariés victimes d'actes de harcèlement pour sortir de l’impasse dans laquelle ils se trouvent. En France, près d’un salarié sur trois estime avoir fait l’objet de harcèlement sur son lieu de travail....
Cover of Je divorce

Je divorce

25 questions-réponses pour agir

by Stéphane Valory
Language: French
Release Date: May 22, 2014

En 25 questions, ce guide aborde les droits et les devoirs des conjoints qui souhaitent se séparer, les étapes de la procédure, le choix de l'avocat et du type de divorce, mais également les conséquences de cet acte sur les plans familial et patrimonial. Avec de nombreux conseils et exemples.
Cover of Je suis copropriétaire

Je suis copropriétaire

25 questions-réponses pour connaître mes droits et obligations

by Valérie Samsel
Language: French
Release Date: May 22, 2014

En 25 questions, ce guide aborde les droits et les devoirs des copropriétaires, et donne des arguments, des exemples et des conseils en cas de litige à régler à l'amiable ou devant la justice : quels sont les rôles du conseil syndical et de l'assemblée générale, comment résoudre des problèmes affectant les parties communes ou privatives, etc.
Cover of Studentische Rechtsberatung und Clinical Legal Education in Deutschland
by Jan-Gero Alexander Hannemann, Georg Dietlein
Language: German
Release Date: December 15, 2015

Das vorliegende Buch bietet all jenen, die sich in der studentischen Rechtsberatung engagieren oder eine solche gründen wollen, einen leichten und umfassenden Einstieg in das Thema. Diskutiert werden sowohl organisatorische als auch rechtliche Fragen, insbesondere ob und in welcher Form die Rechtsberatung...
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