Beauty category: 1411 books

Cover of Heile dich schön

Heile dich schön

Wie wir wieder jung und vital aussehen können

by Markus Rothkranz
Language: German
Release Date: February 2, 2017

Ein Handbuch für alle, die sich wieder jung und gesund fühlen und gut aussehen wollen. Schönheit und Jugend kommt im wahrsten Sinn des Wortes von innen, denn die Haut und das Gesicht sind nur die Botschafter unserer Organe. Sind die Organe gesund, ist unser Äußeres attraktiv – ganz...
Cover of Look Hot, Live Long

Look Hot, Live Long

The Prescription for Women Who Want to Look Their Best While Enjoying a Long and Healthy Life

by Christine Lydon
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2003

The best way to cure illness is to prevent it. And, according to nutritionist Dr Christine Lydon, illness prevention begins with good nutrition, weight management and fitness. Her book offers simple, proven prescription for women who want to look their best, feel their best and live a long, healthy...
Cover of State of Shop Guidebook: Top 100 Online Clothes Stores
by Keely Sonntag
Language: English
Release Date: June 28, 2014

If you love to shop for clothes online, or you'd like to but don't know where to start, this guidebook is for you. We've taken the searching and the guess work out of the equation, and found 100 online stores with the best clothes, the best prices and the best customer service.If...
Cover of Integrazione & Interazioni

Integrazione & Interazioni

I trimestre 2018

by Guido Mattera Ricigliano, Guido Mattera Ricigliano
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 19, 2017

Integrazione & Interazioni del I trimestre 2018 è il 3° volume dedicato alle interazioni fra integratori e farmaci (i fitoterapici sono classificati come integratori) redatto in forma di dizionario per facilitare la lettura grazie al raggruppamento in ordine alfabetico delle schede dei vari...
Cover of Alimentazione per la Corsa
by Muscle Trainer
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 9, 2016

La corsa è uno sport assai praticato oggigiorno. Sia per dimagrire sia per ottenere la massima prestazione , l'alimentazione gioca una funzione essenziale. Molti mangiano male e si ritrovano dopo anni di corsa a non avere risultati. L'allenamento implica una richiesta maggiore di energia quindi è...
Cover of Schede Dimagrimento per Donne
by Muscle Trainer
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 20, 2016

Avere un fisico asciutto e tonico è possibile ma richiede molta fatica e impegno. La donna ha delle proporzioni diverse per cui deve allenarsi con esercizi specifici che differiscono per certi aspetti da quelli praticati dagli uomini. Non è piacente vedere una donna con le spalle enormi e un gluteo...
Cover of Auf freiem Fuß

Auf freiem Fuß

Ein Jahr ohne Schuhe?

by Sabrina Fox
Language: German
Release Date: October 9, 2015

Worum geht es? Wie läuft es sich barfuß durch alle vier Jahreszeiten? Konsequentes Barfußlaufen stellt unsere Lebensgewohnheiten in Frage und verbessert Gesundheit und Selbstbewusstsein. In ihrem Buch gibt die Autorin eine praktische Anleitung für den Schritt in eine neue Freiheit.
Cover of Gorgeous Wedding Hairstyles

Gorgeous Wedding Hairstyles

A Step-by-Step Guide to 34 Spectacular Hairstyles

by Eric Mayost
Language: English
Release Date: February 7, 2012

A gorgeous coiffure is a bride's crowning glory--and thanks to this fabulous how-to guide, she can have the hairstyle of her dreams without that expensive last-minute trip to a salon. Whether the desired look is elegantly classic or thoroughly modern, the book's step-by-step instructions and color photos...
Cover of Cómo prevenir y combatir la caída del cabello
by Aquino, Gabriel
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Desde tiempos inmemoriales el cabello ha sido asociado a las ideas de seducción, fuerza y juventud. Por esa razón es que casi nadie se resigna a su pérdida sin luchar con las armas que hoy en día le ofrece el conocimiento humano. Este libro es, en buena medida, un sintético compendio de esos...
Cover of Natural Hair Care: How to Grow Healthy and Long Hair
by Jennifer H. Smith
Language: English
Release Date: August 23, 2019

Do you want to grow healthy and long hair? Are you waiting to channel your inner Rapunzel? This book has everything you need to know about hair growth and natural hair care. Rather than offering empty promises, this book takes a realistic look at your hair situation and suggests the best remedies. By...
Cover of 15 minutes de gymnastique faciale à faire dans la voiture
by Catherine Pez
Language: French
Release Date: February 8, 2011

Vous voyagez en voiture matin et soir entre la maison et le bureau? Vous perdez tous les jours un temps fou dans les bouchons? Vous arrivez souvent à destination le visage tendu et les traits crispés? Alors pourquoi ne pas profiter de vos trajets en voiture pour faire votre gymnastique faciale?...
Cover of De A à Z, les meilleures astuces de cuisine
by Caroline Pastorelli
Language: French
Release Date: September 7, 2013

La cuisine, c’est simple ! A condition de connaître les trucs qui feront de vous la reine (ou le roi) des plats et des desserts parfaitement réussis... De A à Z, ce guide concret et gourmand décline toutes les astuces simples, mais efficaces, que se transmettent de mère...
Cover of Overall Health for Beginners
by James Smith
Language: English
Release Date: August 31, 2017

Thank you for your interest in the for beginners series. The for beginners series is a series of books aimed and designed for beginners.  As such the books are more like booklets in that they are short but made so that they could be easily digested, easy to understand and easy to apply.  The...
Cover of How To Get Rid of Greasy Hair
by Johnathan Martin
Language: English
Release Date: April 19, 2013

How To Get Rid of Greasy Hair Information on how to get rid of oily, greasy hair. If you have a problem with overly oily and soiled hair follow these suggestions to leave your hair soft and clean. Scroll up... and click on "Buy Now" to deliver almost instantly to your Kobo or other reading device.
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