Conflict Resolution category: 868 books

Cover of Stoppez Votre Divorce et Sauvez Votre Mariage
by Gaël Hamel
Language: French
Release Date: February 7, 2014

Voici un aperçu de ce que vous allez découvrir à l'intérieur de mon guide: La vérité sur le contrat de mariage. (page7) Les faits connus, que vous pouvez ne pas avoir pris en compte, impliqués dans l'économie du divorce (incluant les vrais coûts financier pour mettre fin à...
Cover of Benvenuto fratellino Benvenuta sorellina

Benvenuto fratellino Benvenuta sorellina

Favorire l’accoglienza del nuovo nato e la relazione tra fratelli - Seconda edizione ampliata e aggiornata

by Giorgia Cozza
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 20, 2018

C'è un bimbo in arrivo, che gioia! Ogni volta che la famiglia si allarga, genitori e figli sono chiamati a trovare un nuovo equilibrio. Ma come aiutare il primogenito ad accogliere il fratellino e ad affrontare i cambiamenti con gioia e serenità? E come gestire nello stesso tempo le esigenze di...
Cover of Sono Andrea e non so dove andare
by Sergio Grillo
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 10, 2012

La vita di Andrea Divelto sembra scorrere nel turbine di una quotidianità fatta di amori facili, difficili, di breve o di lunga durata, di amici di vecchia data, ma dietro questa apparente facilità si cela un segreto che ha radici antiche. Chi è il vero Andrea? Perché è incapace di darsi...
Cover of Figli e web Come farli navigare in sicurezza
by Claudio De Lucchi
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 18, 2015

Il crescente accesso a Internet di bambini e ragazzi e l'esposizione a contenuti inappropriati alla loro età e al cyberbullismo rappresentano una nuova sfida educativa per i genitori. 'Figli e web - Come farli navigare in sicurezza' guida i genitori a responsabilizzare e proteggere i figli mentre...
Cover of Nei suoi pantaloni
by Marusca Cuccagna
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 24, 2014

Quando il suo matrimonio è finito aveva trentacinque anni e tutto da rifare. Questa è la vera storia di una separazione dolorosa, che si lascia alle spalle vent’anni di vita e due figli. Mirco ha tradito Nina e lei l’ha lasciato, poi finalmente si è rifatta una vita con Luca. A questo punto...
Cover of Se non sono pazzi non li vogliamo
by Federica Ferrari
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 19, 2015

Se non sono pazzi non li vogliamo è il mio primo romanzo e nasce dall’idea di toccare argomenti che per molte persone risultano essere ancora tabù. Alcuni dei personaggi hanno un profilo “particolare”, a volte tendente al patologico, ma non per questo meno affascinanti. Dopotutto è vero che...
Cover of Dying to Be Free

Dying to Be Free

From Enforced Secrecy To Near Death To True Transformation

by Hannah Robinson
Language: English
Release Date: April 29, 2016

In this compelling memoir, Hannah Robinson relates how she was injured in an accident while on holiday in Tenerife, sustaining life-threatening multiple injuries. While still "unconscious" she entered a "near-death experience", where she experienced true peace and love. She also received the information...
Cover of The Provider
by Barry Cooper
Language: English
Release Date: July 28, 2018

The Provider is the go-to manual when you need to figure out how to manage the varying situations faced in your pursuit of successful co-parenting. With effective tips and concrete strategies learned through BCooper's personal journey, The Provider is a safe space and sounding board where men can share the challenges and triumphs of their experiences. 
Cover of Overwhelmed


Coping with Life's Ups and Downs

by Nancy K. Schlossberg
Language: English
Release Date: October 28, 2007

Overwhelmed helps people make sense out of the transitions they face in every day life. This book is based on years of research—studies of people moving, adults returning to school, people whose jobs were eliminated, retirment, non-events like not having a baby, not getting promoted. These studies...
Cover of 101 Inclusive and SEN Maths Lessons

101 Inclusive and SEN Maths Lessons

Fun Activities and Lesson Plans for P Level Learning

by Claire Brewer, Kate Bradley
Language: English
Release Date: November 21, 2016

Create an inclusive classroom for all through engaging maths activities such as Shape Bingo, Cake Splat! and Fruity Fractions, all of which have been matched to the UK National Curriculum P Levels 4 - 8. Tailored to the specific P Level, each lesson plan includes a learning objective, the resources needed,...
Cover of The Language of Blessing

The Language of Blessing

Discover Your Own Gifts and Talents . . . Learn How to Pour Them Out to Bless Others

by Joseph Cavanaugh III
Language: English
Release Date: February 18, 2013

Most people have no idea who they were created to be, nor what their own unique gifts and talents are. So how can we recognize and affirm these things in others—especially if we were not encouraged ourselves as we were growing up? How can we change course and learn a language of blessing that will...
Cover of How to Have the Wedding You Want (Updated)

How to Have the Wedding You Want (Updated)

(Not the One Everybody Else Wants You to Have)

by Christine Egan
Language: English
Release Date: January 7, 2014

The updated edition of the only wedding guide that's on your side! Figure out what you want. Who to invite. Where to celebrate. What to wear. And those are just the big issues. You’ve got flowers, showers, music, and more…and you’re wondering if you can get it done by your first anniversary,...
Cover of How to Partner With your Spouse to Achieve your Relationship or Marriage Goals (The Importance of Setting Marriage Goals)
by Davis Eme
Language: English
Release Date: August 25, 2017

Seeing someone, there ought to be connections share with yourself, the one your mate has with him or herself, and your relationship together. Nonetheless, in some cases maybe a couple of these are hurled to the side when you begin dating and focus on each other. Furthermore, the most well-known one...
Cover of Is He The One?
by Brenda Shoshanna
Language: English
Release Date: June 2, 2011

We all want the perfect mate. Yet sometimes even if we meet a person with all the qualities we want we still dont know if hes the one. Is he the one I want to spend the rest of my life with? Is he serious about spending the rest of his life with me? Will he be able to commit? Its not always easy to know...
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