Dance category: 839 books

Cover of Dancers After Dark
by Jordan Matter
Language: English
Release Date: October 18, 2016

Dancers After Dark is an amazing celebration of the human body and the human spirit, as dancers, photographed nude and at night, strike poses of fearless beauty. Without a permit or a plan, Jordan Matter led hundreds of the most exciting dancers in the world out of their comfort zones—not...
Cover of The Dancing Gourmet

The Dancing Gourmet

Recipes to Keep You on Your Toes!

by Linda Hymes
Language: English
Release Date: November 4, 2013

Professional ballerina and Le Cordon Bleu chef Linda Hymes marries the culinary and performing arts with over 100 easy to prepare recipes. Clear and concise step-by-step instructions create casual yet elegant meals that rely on healthy ingredients and vibrant spices. This unique book is a must for every cookbook lover!
Cover of Embodied Performances

Embodied Performances

Sexuality, Gender, Bodies

by B. Allegranti
Language: English
Release Date: June 21, 2011

With a companion website that includes short online film episodes, this book proposes expansive ways of deconstructing and re-constituting sexuality and gender and thus more embodied and ethical ways of 'doing' life, and offers an understanding and critique of embodiment through an integration of performance, psychotherapy and feminist philosophy.
Cover of Dancing Female
Language: English
Release Date: April 8, 2014

First Published in 1997. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Cover of Il filo della danza
by Orietta Ravenna
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 17, 2015

“…il mio sguardo si apriva a nuove trasformazioni, attraverso il tempo diventa uno scambio di passi di danza tra l’oggi e il domani”. Una vita intrecciata dai fili della danza, in ogni sua forma e manifestazione. Una vita periodicamente reinventata, affrontando con l’armonia i cambi...
Cover of Tango. Guida tecnica ai fondamenti e analisi dei comportamenti emotivi nella danza
by Carlo Colajanni
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 18, 2012

Una guida tecnica ai fondamenti del tango argentino, essenziale, ricca di dettagli, suggerimenti e consigli pratici; vere e proprie lezioni private racchiuse in un libro che servono ad avvicinarsi allo studio della danza in maniera corretta, ottimizzando tempi e metodi di apprendimento senza perdersi...
Cover of La ragazza del Moulin Rouge
by Jane Avril
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 1, 2015

Jane Avril è stata la più celebre ballerina della Belle Époque, la musa di Toulouse-Lautrec, un’interprete ideale dell’euforia del suo tempo. Figlia illegittima di un nobile italiano e di una cortigiana, comincia queste memorie raccontando l’adolescenza guastata dalle crudeltà della madre,...
Cover of Danse


Les Grands Articles d'Universalis

by Encyclopaedia Universalis
Language: French
Release Date: February 13, 2017

Partez à la découverte de la danse avec ce Grand Article Universalis ! Dans son acception la plus générale, la danse est l'art de mouvoir le corps humain selon un certain accord entre l'espace et le temps, accord rendu perceptible grâce au rythme et à la composition chorégraphique. Un...
Cover of After the Applause Stops

After the Applause Stops

Who Are You When You No Longer Do What You’Ve Been Doing for Years?

by Sally Bailey Jasperson
Language: English
Release Date: September 6, 2017

Who are you when you no longer do what youve been doing for years? It is the big question facing anyone who retires. It is something any retiree can relate to, and any retiree could have a story here. However, Im going to limit my stories to those of ballet dancerstop ballet dancersbecause their situation...
Cover of Concert Musings by the Cosmic Chef
by Geoffry Thomas
Language: English
Release Date: March 16, 2017

Hopefully, some of these concerts are as memorable to others as they are to me. Just to jog a memory of good times is a relief. Though not all pictures are as good as others, I hope to remind you that music makes the world go round and a picture really is worth a thousand words.
Cover of El Mamifero Tanguero

El Mamifero Tanguero

Antropologia del Tango secondo il Prof. Pedro Pugliese

by Piero Leli
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 30, 2013

Antropologia del Tango secondo il Prof. Pedro Pugliese. Del professore Pedro Pugliese si hanno le prime notizie "storiche" nel 2001. Da allora i suoi dotti articoli di antropologia del tango, "tradotti in italiano" da Leli, hanno informato gli iscritti alla mailing list Tangueros....
Cover of Schweizer Jahrbuch fuer Musikwissenschaft- Annales Suisses de Musicologie- Annuario Svizzero di Musicologia

Schweizer Jahrbuch fuer Musikwissenschaft- Annales Suisses de Musicologie- Annuario Svizzero di Musicologia

Neue Folge / Nouvelle Série / Nuova Serie- 34/35 (2014/2015)- Redaktion / Rédaction / Redazione: Luca Zoppelli

Language: French
Release Date: April 20, 2017

Die Doppelausgabe 34/35 des Schweizer Jahrbuchs für Musikwissenschaft versammelt Studien und Forschungen aus unterschiedlichen internationalen Zusammenhängen des Fachs. Zugleich will es aber auch der Forschung, die von Schweizer Wissenschaftlern und Institutionen betrieben wird, ein Forum geben. In...
Cover of Musik und die Ordnung der Dinge im ausgehenden Mittelalter und in der Fruehen Neuzeit
by Karsten Mackensen
Language: German
Release Date: March 31, 2017

Die «Musica» ist in Weltvorstellungen des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit oft nicht nur ein Bestandteil des Wissens neben vielen anderen, sondern stellt ein übergeordnetes Ordnungsprinzip dar. Erstmals untersucht dieses Buch die genaue Stellung von Musik innerhalb der universalen Ordnung der...
Cover of Die Figur Cherubino in Mozarts «Le Nozze di Figaro»
by Lara Babbar
Language: German
Release Date: April 11, 2017

Die Autorin schlägt anhand der Figur des Cherubino einen Bogen von der Komödienvorlage Beaumarchais über Da Pontes Libretto und Mozarts Partitur bis hin zum Vergleich von Tonaufnahmen des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts. Im Bereich der Interpretationsforschung besteht die methodische Herausforderung in...
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