Decision Making category: 1513 books

Cover of Web che funziona. Guida ai fondamenti del marketing digitale.
by Paolo Maffei
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 27, 2012

"Web che funziona. Guida ai fondamenti del marketing digitale”, di Paolo Maffei a cura di Roberto Lo Jacono. Internet ha da tempo introdotto nuove regole nel mondo della comunicazione, del marketing e, più in generale, del “fare impresa”. Le aziende, di fronte alle possibilità comunicative...
Cover of Gamification


Simulazioni per Crescere nella Complessità

by Andrea Ceriani
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 13, 2014

Gioco e simulazione per lo sviluppo delle soft skill “Gamification” è un tema che ormai è entrato a pieno diritto nel nostro vocabolario definendo quell’insieme di azioni che tendono a rendere ludico il rapporto, ad esempio, tra un cliente e un supermercato; un automobilista e la casa di produzione;...
Cover of Luxury marketing

Luxury marketing

Vendere il lusso nell'epoca della sostenibilità

by Matteo De Angelis
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 6, 2018

Il settore del lusso affascina e fa sognare, è sinonimo di bello e qualità, di menti creative, aziende storiche e importanti profitti. Se prima però bastavano queste essenziali caratteristiche perfarinnamorare il consumatoredel proprio brand, oggi conquistare la sua fedeltà non è più così semplice....
Cover of Corso Pratico di Project Management - Introduzione pratica al Project Management e alla professione di Project Manager
by Gennaro D'ermes
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 3, 2014

Il Project Management, al giorno d'oggi, è sempre più utilizzato in molte realtà, nell'organizzazione di eventi, nella progettazione di siti web, nella realizzazione di opere e in tutti gli ambiti nei quali ci si pone un obiettivo. Il presente lavoro mira ad aumentare le competenze personali...
Cover of Come Trasformare I Reclami A Tuo Vantaggio
by Tania Bianchi
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 31, 2015

Solo il 4% dei clienti RECLAMA. Il restante 96% tace, ma in compenso... il 91% non ritorna più e diffonde la notizia. Trasforma i RECLAMI A TUO VANTAGGIO e ribalta le percentuali. IN QUESTA GUIDA SCOPRI COME: Distinguere i reclami dalle obiezioni Evitare i 12 classici errori Gestire...
Cover of Mastering Habit - How Successful People Think And Operate
by Adidas Wilson
Language: English
Release Date: May 15, 2019

You will always hear people giving excuses saying that they were not born with the talent necessary to succeed. It is true there are naturally advantaged people in some ways. However, attaining success at something boils down to committing yourself and taking the time to acquire and master skills....
Cover of The 99 Essential Business Questions

The 99 Essential Business Questions

To take you beyond the obvious management actions

by Gia Campari
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2016

Gia Campari, David Glassman, Michael Jeans, Patrick McHugh, David Peregrine-Jones, David Shannon and Benjamin Taylor bring combined experience from across a wide range of business sectors to solve your professional problems! The 99 Essential Business Questions will provide you with the answers you're...
Cover of FAST Creativity & Innovation

FAST Creativity & Innovation

Rapidly Improving Processes, Product Development and Solving Complex Problems

by Charles Bytheway
Language: English
Release Date: January 6, 2007

FAST Creativity & Innovation is a landmark work authored by the creator of the method called Function Analysis Systems Technique (FAST) and pioneer of value engineering and value analysis. FAST is a powerful mapping technique that can graphically model goals, objectives, strategies, plans, systems, projects,...
Cover of The Smart Strategy Book

The Smart Strategy Book

50 ways to solve tricky business issues

by Kevin Duncan
Language: English
Release Date: October 22, 2018

Strategy is a plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim, and there are many areas in business where a decent strategy will be of value. Strategy is not complex, but it can be hard, because of the pain of having to make choices. In this practical guide, bestselling author Kevin...
Cover of Mener une réunion

Mener une réunion

Les étapes-clés pour un meeting d'équipe efficace

by Florence Schandeler,
Language: French
Release Date: July 23, 2015

Un guide pratique et accessible pour enfin organiser des réunions efficaces ! Dans le monde professionnel, tout travailleur est susceptible d’animer une réunion un jour ou l’autre. Mais comment faire pour qu’elle soit efficace et atteigne les objectifs préalablement définis ? S’il...
Cover of 5 comportements clés pour devenir une équipe de confiance : une histoire réaliste pour apprendre
by Serge Bouchard, Françoise Dumais, Annick Corriveau
Language: French
Release Date: June 1, 2013

Découvrez, grâce à l’histoire d’une équipe en difficulté, les 5 comportements clés fondamentaux qui sont les ingrédients de la recette gagnante. Cette recette simple et efficace s’applique autant en entreprise que dans les organisations à but non lucratif et même avec les membres de...
Cover of de Reddingsboei voor banken

de Reddingsboei voor banken

''loyaal bankieren''

by Jasmin Hajro
Language: Dutch
Release Date: March 10, 2018

U kent de nieuwsberichten wel over het verdwijnen van banen bij de banken door de technologie. Als het er honderden zijn binnen 2 jaar, hoeveel verloren banen zijn het binnen 10 jaar ? En zijn er over 50 jaar, behalve een Ict-afdeling die in de gaten houdt of de...
Cover of Future Ready

Future Ready

How to Master Business Forecasting

by Steve Player, Steve Morlidge
Language: English
Release Date: February 19, 2010

The recent crisis in the financial markets has exposed serious flaws in management methods. The failure to anticipate and deal with the consequences of the unfolding collapse has starkly illustrated what many leaders and managers in business have known for years; in most organizations, the process...
Cover of Key Concepts in Innovation
by Hamsa Thota, Zunaira Munir
Language: English
Release Date: July 19, 2011

A comprehensive glossary providing clear explanations of the major terms in the field of innovation, covering areas such as product development, design and creativity. By simplifying complex terminology and highlighting key debates, this book is an ideal companion for both students and practitioners in the field.
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