General Design category: 1730 books

Cover of Basic Black

Basic Black

26 Edgy Essentials for the Modern Wardrobe

by Sato Watanabe
Language: English
Release Date: July 8, 2014

Sew chic, dark-toned clothes with this stylish sewing book and add a touch of originality to your wardrobe. Basic Black is the English edition of a classic Japanese sewing book which provides sew-it-yourself Western-sized patterns for 26 basic garments, along with detailed, easy-to-follow diagrams...
Cover of Japanese Fashion Designers

Japanese Fashion Designers

The Work and Influence of Issey Miyake, Yohji Yamamotom, and Rei Kawakubo

by Professor Bonnie English
Language: English
Release Date: August 15, 2013

Over the past 40 years, Japanese designers have led the way in aligning fashion with art and ideology, as well as addressing identity and social politics through dress. They have demonstrated that both creative and commercial enterprise is possible in today's international fashion industry, and have...
Cover of How To Successfully Publish Your Book
by Delroy Constantine-Simms
Language: English
Release Date: October 27, 2016

Make those writing dreams a reality with this comprehensive guide of publishing secrets, which will show you how to go from staring at an empty page, to becoming a published author. Sound familiar? In all honesty, it’s never been easier or cheaper to get your book published. Equally, there...
Cover of The Jamestown Furniture Industry: History in Wood, 1816-1920
by Clarence Carlson
Language: English
Release Date: January 28, 2014

While all but gone today, Jamestown's furniture industry was once the second-largest producer of furniture in the United States. Manufacturing boomed from 1816, when William Breed and Royal Keyes opened their shops, to the 1920s, when Jamestown was still one of the top wood furniture producers in the...
Cover of 日本美學1:物哀:櫻花落下後
by 大西克禮
Language: Chinese
Release Date: August 8, 2018

Cover of 日本美學2:幽玄:薄明之森
by 大西克禮
Language: Chinese
Release Date: October 31, 2018

**      美如真理,在隱蔽下無限延展   幽玄[ゆうげん]   影響日本當代設計者的陰翳美學** **  ■若人生中追求「光」,首先要認真凝視眼前名為「影」的苦難現實。──安藤忠雄   ■幽玄是人類得到光明後遺失的美的領域。──深澤直人**   時間進入中世,在日本歌人的領略下,佛法、老莊、日本的神道被揉合出一種獨特的美學──幽玄。幽是隱微,玄是奧妙的黑,幽玄原指枯淡之心的深邃境地,諸行無常的人生真義。   美從捕捉當下的物哀,走入不生不滅的幽玄。形而上的幽玄,在一首首和歌中發展出豐富的美學意涵,隱蔽、枯寂、妖豔、寫意,最後調和成一種在陰暗中追求的美感,攏之在內,時空無限,內在充實,代表意象之一是秋天氤氳的薄明山林。   引進陰影,而不是光。大和民族從陰翳中發現美,又為了美的目的利用陰翳。枯山水、日式庭園、和室、壁龕……昏暗美感的空間中進駐了永恆的閒寂,靜謐、悠遠的幽玄餘情,成為西方人眼中的「東方的神秘」。   物哀之後,幽玄在有限中探求無限,再開啟了日後懾服西方的侘寂美學。現代美學家大西克禮旁徵博引,將「物哀、幽玄、寂」定調為日本美學三大關鍵詞。本系列爬梳三大美學的起源、概念,及不同領域的解讀或應用,內容橫越文學、歷史、心理學、哲學,是讀者掌握日本美學的獨家著作。 **  ■**「最古老的事物,都會轉變成最前衛的事物。」──杉本博司 **  ■**「現今不論是建築與城市,人類與語言,都逐漸充斥著半透明的元素,我們在其中可以感受它的新鮮和可能性,而這概念的擴張造就了我們每一天的努力,或許我們之後的大半思惟也都寄託在其中。」──原研哉 本書特色   ◎日本美學三大關鍵詞:物哀、幽玄、寂。不懂這三個詞,就不可能了解日本。   ◎無印良品的白、三宅一生的皺摺、安藤忠雄的光之教堂、杉本博司的《海景》……日本建築、攝影、產品設計的原點,啟發當代設計者的美學哲思。   作者介紹 **作者簡介 大西克禮 Yoshinori...
Cover of Bold Brand

Bold Brand

The New Rules for Differentiating, Branding, and Marketing Your Professional Services Firm

by Josh Miles
Language: English
Release Date: June 20, 2012

In the past, most professional services firms could get by simply relying on traditional marketing tactics. For most firms, networking, attending benefit dinners, advertising in the Yellow Pages, and merely adding the new partner's name to the office sign was enough to stay top of mind. Today, everything...
Cover of Web Site Measurement Hacks

Web Site Measurement Hacks

Tips & Tools to Help Optimize Your Online Business

by Eric T. Peterson
Language: English
Release Date: August 19, 2005

In order to establish and then maintain a successful presence on the Web, designing a creative site is only half the battle. What good is an intricate Web infrastructure if you're unable to measure its effectiveness? That's why every business is desperate for feedback on their site's visitors: Who...
Cover of Understanding Digital Photography
by Bryan Peterson
Language: English
Release Date: February 9, 2011

Using his popular bad image/good image pairings of real-life examples, Bryan Peterson takes the reader through all the techniques needed to succeed with digital photography in every popular genre: nature, people, sports, interiors, travel, low-light conditions, travel, weather, commercial portraits,...
Cover of Regression Analysis with R

Regression Analysis with R

Design and develop statistical nodes to identify unique relationships within data at scale

by Giuseppe Ciaburro
Language: English
Release Date: January 31, 2018

Build effective regression models in R to extract valuable insights from real data Key Features Implement different regression analysis techniques to solve common problems in data science - from data exploration to dealing with missing values From Simple Linear Regression to Logistic Regression...
Cover of Innovative Approaches of Data Visualization and Visual Analytics
Language: English
Release Date: July 30, 2013

Due to rapid advances in hardware and software technologies, network infrastructure and data have become increasingly complex, requiring efforts to more effectively comprehend and analyze network topologies and information systems. Innovative Approaches of Data Visualization and Visual Analytics evaluates...
Cover of Creating Highly Appealing Book Titles
by Prasant
Language: English
Release Date: August 24, 2014

Generally, book titles...adding to 5, 6.....or 1 gain success/popularity. When you are editing a book and keen to kow the tips on how to write better title, recall all the points which you are going to read in this guide book. Ok?
Cover of The Berlin Brandenburg Airport Signage Project
by Heike Nehl, Sibylle Schlaich
Language: English
Release Date: October 31, 2014

In diesem E-Book stellt das Kommunikationsdesignbüro Moniteurs das Leitsystem-Projekt, das für den Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg entwickelt wurde, vor. Die vier Kapitel erläutern, wie das Leitsystem die bauliche Identität des Flughafens prägt: "Identity" befasst sich mit der Architektur, der Farbwelt,...
Cover of Asian Resorts
by Akihiko Seki, Elizabeth Heilman Brooke
Language: English
Release Date: March 13, 2012

With over 300 gorgeous photographs, this book is an exploration of Asia's most stunning hotels and resorts. From a stilled villa above a blue lagoon in the Maldives and a remote yoga resort in the hills of Bhutan to serene enclaves in the bustling cities of Dubai and Bangkok, Asia offers an...
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