Mechanics category: 1527 books

Cover of Heat and Moisture Transfer between Human Body and Environment
by Jean-Paul Fohr
Language: English
Release Date: November 4, 2015

Human adaptation under cold or hot temperatures has always required specific fabrics for clothing. Sports or protective garment companies propose to improve performance or safety. Behind thermal comfort lays many physical/physiological topics: human thermoregulation loop, natural or forced convection,...
Cover of Structural Shell Analysis

Structural Shell Analysis

Understanding and Application

by Johan Blaauwendraad, Jeroen H. Hoefakker
Language: English
Release Date: September 6, 2013

The mathematical description of the properties of a shell is much more elaborate than those of beam and plate structures. Therefore many engineers and architects are unacquainted with aspects of shell behaviour and design, and are not familiar with sufficiently reliable shell theories for the different...
Cover of Mechanical Appliances, Mechanical Movements and Novelties of Construction
by Gardner D. Hiscox
Language: English
Release Date: January 9, 2013

From the devices that power ships and trains to the workings of clocks, typewriters, and guns, this engrossing visual narrative profiles the specific and unique properties of hundreds of mechanical devices. Nearly 1,000 detailed illustrations depict steam-powered appliances, spring-powered devices,...
Cover of Five of Maxwell's Papers
by James Clerk Maxwell
Language: English
Release Date: April 9, 2015

When observing the spectrum formed by looking at a long vertical slit through a simple prism, I noticed an elongated dark spot running up and down in the blue, and following the motion of the eye as it moved up and down the spectrum, but refusing to pass out of the blue into the other colours. It was plain that the spot belonged both to the eye and to the blue part of the spectrum.
Cover of Stochastic Stability of Differential Equations
by Rafail Khasminskii, Grigori Noah Milstein
Language: English
Release Date: September 20, 2011

Since the publication of the first edition of the present volume in 1980, the stochastic stability of differential equations has become a very popular subject of research in mathematics and engineering. To date exact formulas for the Lyapunov exponent, the criteria for the moment and almost sure stability,...
Cover of Ultrasonic Techniques for Fluids Characterization
by Malcolm J.W. Povey
Language: English
Release Date: July 31, 1997

This book is a comprehensive and practical guide to the use of ultrasonic techniques for the characterization of fluids. Focusing on ultrasonic velocimetry, the author covers the basic topics and techniques necessaryfor successful ultrasound measurements on emulsions, dispersions, multiphase media,...
Cover of The Child’s Conception of Language
Language: English
Release Date: March 12, 2013

It is obvious that the growing child manifests an increasing understanding of his language and facility to use it. A major part of the child lan­ guage literature is concerned with the child's developing linguistic and communicative competence. Scattered evidence also shows, however, that children...
Cover of Fundamentals of Ultrasonic Nondestructive Evaluation
by Lester W. Schmerr Jr.
Language: English
Release Date: April 30, 2016

This extensively revised and updated second edition of a widely read classic presents the use of ultrasound in nondestructive evaluation (NDE) inspections. Retaining the first edition's use of wave propagation /scattering theory and linear system theory, this volume also adds significant new material...
Cover of Dynamic Aspects of Language Processing

Dynamic Aspects of Language Processing

Focus and Presupposition

by Johannes Engelkamp, H. D. Zimmer
Language: English
Release Date: March 12, 2013

This book deals with the conditions and the consequences of the production of different syntactic sentence structures. During the sixties the syntactic structure of sentences was one of the most intensively studied topics in psycholinguistic research. The dominant interest did not, however, lie in...
Cover of Les Merveilles de la science/Télégraphie sous-marine et cable atlantique - Supplément
by Louis Figuier
Language: French
Release Date: March 12, 2016

Lorsque, en 1866, le premier câble transatlantique fut enfin posé au fond de l’océan, après toutes sortes de difficultés et d’efforts, on considéra, non sans raison, comme une merveille du génie humain, la réussite de l’entreprise qui consistait à dérouler au fond de la mer un câble...
Cover of Les Merveilles de la science/Locomotive et chemins de fer
by Louis Figuier
Language: French
Release Date: March 12, 2016

La machine à vapeur a eu cette heureuse destinée, que les diverses améliorations qu’elle a reçues depuis son origine, ont trouvé, dès l’instant de leur création, des applications de la plus haute importance. En 1690, le génie de Papin jette dans le monde scientifique sa grande conception...
Cover of Les Merveilles de la science/Machine à vapeur - Supplément
by Louis Figuier
Language: French
Release Date: March 12, 2016

Dans la Notice sur la Machine à vapeur, qui forme le début des Merveilles de la science, nous avons étudié, sous le rapport historique et technique, cette machine admirable qui transforma, au siècle dernier, toute l’industrie des nations de l’Europe, et qui a été, dans notre siècle,...
Cover of Il mondo dei quanti

Il mondo dei quanti

La fisica quantistica per tutti

by Kenneth W Ford
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 19, 2016

Il senso comune ci dice che la materia non svanisce nel nulla, che una particella e un’onda sono entità molto diverse e che una conoscenza sufficientemente accurata conduce a buone predizioni. Eppure, quando usciamo dall’ambito dell’esperienza quotidiana, per addentrarci nel mondo della fisica...
Cover of Liquid Crystal Colloids
by Igor Muševič
Language: English
Release Date: May 14, 2017

This book brings together the many concepts and discoveries in liquid crystal colloids contributed over the last twenty years and scattered across numerous articles and book chapters. It provides both a historical overview of the development of the field and a clear perspective on the future applications...
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